10 Questions with Paul Lubaczewski

I've known Paul Lubaczewski for several years. He has always been professional, kind, and an inspiration. Today, we're going to breakdown top ten questions the indie author gets asked the most. Thank you, Paul, for sharing with us.

1) How long have you been writing professionally?
Fiction… I think about 6 or 7 years now. Before that I was a music reviewer which is a different kettle of fish entirely


2) What genre/s do you write?
Horror-comedy, horror, sci fi, fantasy. I guess I’m most known for horror comedy, but I’ve published in all of the above.


3) What drives you to write?          
At this point I don’t know how I’d sleep at night if I didn’t. I go to sleep plotting in my head. If I had to spend that time thinking about every stupid thing I’d ever said or done…..


4) What was the biggest hurdle you had to cross? Whether professionally or personally.
I don’t know if I view things as hurdles. It’s just an obstacle to overcome, and life is dull when it’s all going easy. Though, I suppose my last name in and of itself could be considered a major hurdle.


5) What is your latest WIP about?
Latest published books are Brat out of Hell and Like a Ton of Bricks. One is about a demon prince who runs away from hell. The other is about a mobster who goes on the road trip from hell to get his kidnapped girlfriend back
Latest WIPs, a very extreme horror dealing with how we view one another; a horror about ancient spirits who become the personification of our emotions, and finally a fun loving romp of a biography that is actually pretty accurate of Vlad the Impaler as told by his brother Chad.


6) What is your greatest achievement?
Talking Jeff Strand into writing an intro for the re-issue of “I Never Eat….Cheesesteak”
Sales rankings are nice, so are awards, but having a friend do you a favor like that feels better.


7) Other than writing, what do you do for fun?
I am a busy little bee. I moved to WV years ago because it is Mother Nature’s Disney Theme park. That involves caving, hiking, waterfalls, kayaking, and mountain biking so I do all of the above


8) Where do you see the future of the book industry? Will it always be Indie vs Traditional publishing? Or will they merge to create a hybrid publishing universe?
I think it probably runs like the movie or music industry. Indies get big enough, first they sign a distribution deal, then they just sell and become an imprint and nobody mentions it. Big houses have a hard to time generating cool, same with big record labels, but they can buy the reputation.


9) Where can readers find you?
Me personally Facebook, instragram and Twitter.
Books, more or less everywhere. Barnes and Noble, Amazon, BAM!, IndieBound which covers most indie bookstores, and of course Godless


10) Where do you see yourself in five years?
I have no idea, life is pretty stable right now (except for a recent knee surgery). So, I’d have to say either writing more or less similar stuff to now, which I enjoy, or ruling the world with an iron fist. It could go either way really.

 Thanks again to Mr. Lubaczewski for answering my questions. 

If you would like to be interviewed on this blog, contact me at colleentews42@gmail.com with Interview Questions as the subject line. 


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