Introducing Author Layla Dorine
Happy Monday everyone. Today, I'm talking with author Layla Dorine. Everyone say hello.
So, Layla, how long have you been writing professionally? Since 2015. That was when my first novel, Guitars and Cages, was published by Wayward Ink. Prior to that, I’d been writing as part of an online roleplaying game for roughly seventeen years and the characters developed there went into the first four novels I wrote.
What genre/s do you write? LGBTQ Fiction and Romance, MM Romance and MM+ Romance
What drives you to write? I’ve always had a cast of characters running around in my head. I used to put them into the roleplay games and a form of mental fan fiction where I would imagine the what ifs of television shows and movies. Since I wanted to keep a record of them, I started writing them down in journals, then typing them up and posting them online. As I started to realize that other people were interested in my stories, I decided that it would be fun to share them too. Now, I’m driven not only by my love of storytelling, but by how much I enjoy other people’s reactions to them.
What was the biggest hurdle you had to cross? Whether professionally or personally. Honestly, the biggest hurdle was getting up the courage to share my work outside of the roleplay world. When you’ve become so comfortable with a very small group of people seeing what you write it’s hard to think about sharing it with a larger group, especially when those people are strangers. I’m always so anxious when it’s time to release something new, which makes it difficult to work on any of the projects I have planned.
What is your latest WIP about? Currently, I’m writing an MMMMM lion shifter harem romance, in which two brother lion shifters, Pike and Nathan, have built a home and are slowly filling it with lions who might be compatible to be their mates. In their society, before you can claim a mate you are supposed to have a home to bring them into and some means of caring for them. In the case of Pike and Nathan, they are excellent hunters, they run a woodworking shop, they are members of the fire brigade and they both have nurturing instincts, though sometimes Pike’s protectiveness can make him short-sighted and lead to him making snap judgements and taking sides. It’s something he’ll have to learn to do less of, as over the course of the story it does cause several issues for him, but it also provides a way for him to grow and mature.
What is your greatest achievement? Back when my early books came out, two of them, Broken Prince, Mismatched Eyes and Roadhouse Reds reached the All Romance Ebooks Bestseller list. As a new writer that gave me all kinds of confidence and let me see what was possible if I continued my journey deeper into the world of authorship.
Other than writing, what do you do for fun? I love to hike. Being in the woods, far away from people, is one of the best ways to spend a portion of the day. I like to take my camera and a notebook with me. It’s a great source of inspiration to be out there, listening to the sounds of the woods and seeing the critters scurrying around.
Where do you see the future of the book industry? Will it always be Indie vs Traditional publishing? Or will they merge to create a hybrid publishing universe?
Where can readers find you? Layla Dorine can be found at:
Tumblr: https://layladorine.tumblr.
Author Website:
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