Meet Author Minnette Meador
How long have you been writing professionally? My first book was published in 2008 and I've been writing off and on since then. I started back full-time in July of 2022.
What genre/s do you write? I have never met a genre I didn't love. Epic fantasy, historical fiction (romance), paranormal romantic comedy, urban fantasy thriller, comedy/satire, alternate universe fantasy adventure, urban sci-fi thriller, and mystery is also in my future.
What drives you to write? A drunken muse who has nothing better to do than torture me day and night. Compulsion is too weak of a word...
What was the biggest hurdle you had to cross? Time/money - Writer's Block - Just Plain Laziness
What is your latest WIP about? I am currently working on an urban sci-fi thriller about a society of people who not only remember their past lives, but plan for the next one.
WY'EAST, an urban sci-fi thriller - Immortality is not what they imagined. Book I of the Renaistre Immortal Series - When a mysterious billionaire blackmails a well-known psychiatrist to leave his home half naked in the middle of the night, kidnaps a crazy woman right out of a high-security hospital, and brings them together to a mansion hidden in the snow-topped peaks of Mt. Hood what they accomplish together will not only change their lives but the future of the entire human race. The Renaistre Immortal Society: The Legacy of The Phoenix - Currently available on Kindle Vella:
What is your greatest achievement? I wrote 8 books in under a year in 2008. I published two more last year and have at least 4 more for this year. Just to be writing full-time is a long-time coming dream for me.
Other than writing, what do you do for fun? I knit extensively, do elaborate cross-stitch, and enjoy retirement
Where do you see the future of the book industry? I took a hiatus for 10 years to work on the environment and came back to a very different model for book publishing. I'm still learning about the changes. Episodic writing seems to be on the upswing, especially for younger readers and I see a lot more influence by independent authors, especially on social media. Blogs have mostly gone away, and social media has replaced advertising. Writing has become less formal and more story-oriented. Like I said, I'm still figuring it all out... as is everyone!
Where can readers find you? Here is a list of where I'm located:
Where do you see yourself in five years? It’s hard to see that far ahead, but I do hope it’ll be interesting. Hopefully, writing, living, walking, loving people, and taking in the sunshine on a daily basis. What more could I ask for?
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