Introducing Author Layla Dorine
Happy Monday everyone. Today, I'm talking with author Layla Dorine. Everyone say hello. So, Layla, how long have you been writing professionally? Since 2015. That was when my first novel, Guitars and Cages, was published by Wayward Ink. Prior to that, I’d been writing as part of an online roleplaying game for roughly seventeen years and the characters developed there went into the first four novels I wrote. What genre/s do you write? LGBTQ Fiction and Romance, MM Romance and MM+ Romance What drives you to write? I’ve always had a cast of characters running around in my head. I used to put them into the roleplay games and a form of mental fan fiction where I would imagine the what ifs of television shows and movies. Since I wanted to keep a record of them, I started writing them down in journals, then typing them up and posting them online. As I started to realize that other people were interested in my stories, I decided that it would be fun to share them too. Now, I’m dri...